While some countries are still facing rising numbers of Covid-19 infections, including at time of writing India and a number of other southern and south-east Asian countries, some other countries, and particularly those with earlier and more comprehensive vaccination programs, are now beginning to open up and loosen restrictions. Of
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Venmo and Privacy
This story from BuzzFeed News published last Friday describes how a team of journalists were able to identify President Joe Biden as user on Venmo in about 10 minutes of research after he had very briefly mentioned using it to send money to his grandchildren, who were then able to
Risk Assessment Techniques – Layers of Protection Analysis
(This post is part of the 31010 Series of posts on Risks & Ventures. For more information on this series please follow this link). Layers of Protection Analysis is an approach that follows a similar approach to the concept of concentric circles of security. In this concept, an asset is
Which personality types have dealt with the pandemic the best
We liked this story by Andreas Kluth at Bloomberg, that discusses which personality types have dealt with the pandemic best, with a focus on which personalities have adapted the best to pandemic- related lock downs in particular. Drawing on research from academic research published in the Journal of Affective Disorders,
To Err is Human – Human Reliability Analysis
(This post is part of the 31010 Series of posts on Risks & Ventures. For more information on this series please follow this link). As the early 18th Century English poet Alexander Pope wrote, “to err is human”, and in risk management it is accepted that any process that involves
Risk Assessment Techniques – Showing What Matters with Pareto Charts
Almost every business will have some customers or clients that are more important than others, and usually this will be based on the amount of money these clients spend. Accordingly many businesses will also group or categorise their customers into different service levels designated by their importance, whether or not