Editorial Policy

Editorial Policy

Our editorial mission is to source, develop and present original content on the themes or risk and ventures in their broadest senses, to both interest and inspire our readers.

We particularly like stories and concepts that cross over conventional boundary lines between academic disciplines or professional categories, or which have the aim of bringing existing ideas to new and wider audiences. 

We hope that professionals working in risk and venture-related fields will find our content interesting, but our aim is to engage with a much broader group of people and our content will reflect this. 

Our contributors don’t always agree on everything and we don’t have any specific political or ideological affiliation, although we like opinions to be based on research and facts.

We offer our contributors the possibility of remaining anonymous to allow us solicit content from people that might not otherwise be able to share their knowledge due to their specific personal or professional circumstances, however any descriptive profile information that we provide along with their contributions that is used to establish their credibility to comment on a topic will always be accurate.

We may add advertising or affiliate marketing links to this site, however it is our intention that this obviously marked in this way. At this time we do not provide “paid for” articles or advertorials. If we recommend a product in a post or article it is not on the basis of payment.  

We may update pages and post from time-to-time if we find errors, are notified of inaccuracies of fact or if on review we feel we could have expressed our ideas a little better. 
